Free 10sd for iPhone/iPad/Android users
1)Download app from App store:
2)After downloading Log in stardoll using the app
Then you should have the 10sd (if not, Log out and back in)
After receiving stardollars you can delete the app
If you have an Android:
1)Download app from Google Play:
2)After downloading Log in stardoll using the app
Then you should have the 10sd (if not, Log out and back in)
After receiving stardollars you can delete the app
PS.In case you haven't noticed there are also other simple&safe stardollar offers (by connecting to FB/Twitter/subscribing to Youtube/downloading toolbar)
Free Starcoins and Stardollars
1st step
First of all, you need to connect your Stardoll account with your Facebook. If you've already connected them, read the 2nd step.
1. Log in to your Facebook and Stardoll accounts
2. Go to My account page by clicking HERE
3. Scroll down to the end of the page until you find Facebook logo
4. Click Connect to Facebook
5. A pop-up widow will appear, after clicking Allow button it will disappear, Stardoll page will reload.
6. You should see You are now connected to Facebook! text.
7. Click Save Settings Button
2nd step
Now, to get the Starcoins (later - Stardollars):
1. Log in to Facebook
2. Click HERE
3. Wait till Stardoll app loads
4. A reward table should appear:
5. That's it, you just got your daily reward.
To get the other rewards, visit the Stardoll app daily.
First of all, you need to connect your Stardoll account with your Facebook. If you've already connected them, read the 2nd step.
1. Log in to your Facebook and Stardoll accounts
2. Go to My account page by clicking HERE
3. Scroll down to the end of the page until you find Facebook logo
4. Click Connect to Facebook
5. A pop-up widow will appear, after clicking Allow button it will disappear, Stardoll page will reload.
6. You should see You are now connected to Facebook! text.
7. Click Save Settings Button
2nd step
Now, to get the Starcoins (later - Stardollars):
1. Log in to Facebook
2. Click HERE
3. Wait till Stardoll app loads
4. A reward table should appear:
5. That's it, you just got your daily reward.
To get the other rewards, visit the Stardoll app daily.
Thanks to Real.StarGirl
Free 20 Stardollars from Twitter and FB
►Free 10 stardollars (from Twitter connect)
1)Go to My account page by clicking HERE
2)Scroll down to nearly the end of the page until you find Twitter logo
3)Click Connect to Twitter button
4) will tell you what to do next [:
Note: If the stardollars don't appear, log out and log back in
2nd Note: It's valid only once
1)Go to My account page by clicking HERE
2)Scroll down to the end of the page until you find Facebook logo
3)Click Connect to Facebook
4)Facebook will tell you what to do next [:
Note: If the stardollars don't appear, log out and log back in
2nd Note: It's valid only once
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